84 needlestick

He hunkered down in his bathtub twisted by hot water and taking the relaxing effect of the comfortable situation. Time to relax, time to let the bygone days pass and make the most of his feelings. Victory. Victory over Tullius and his chaps. More streets fell into arian hands every day. Hope and trust came back in the minds of the entire arian people. He was proud of Safax and his brave intervention against the politics of ruin. Even if the thershold of war was maybe crossed now and cos could rise and attack arian troops again, it was an important sign to the cosian armies to show that Ar was invincible. No matter how hard and dangerous the state of affairs had been, arian people stood together and pushed back the enemy by all available means.

No change of mind, no backsliding he as a warrior knew only one direction: forwards. And many brothers and sisters at the homestone showed the same strength and devotion to what they believed in. A common set of principles, fearlessness and the spirit of heroism made it possible that only one sword was necessary to claim what they all stood for. Safety, integrity and to be the center of this counter earth overcame personal issues and coins once more.

Claudius turned in the tub and hung a leg upon the rim, holding his head pressed into the nap of his neck. All these memories of traveling and battle pleasured him more than every slave could do in this world. With closed eyes and a fully strained body he took a rest for the first time since long. And when that happened he reached out for a cup of wine, served by his chubby cow, who kneeled at the door, waiting for his wishes.

contextless picture of my collection
contextless picture of my collection
84 needlestick

73 OOC: Gor auf deutsch

OOC: Gelegentlich begegnen mir immer mal wieder die selben Leute auf neuen Sims. So auch im schönen Ar. Sie halten sich nie lange, aber wenn ich sie sehe, erinnere ich mich an das hier:

Der Typus des alles überstrahlenden Individualisten ist nicht so selten, wie man aufgrund des Wortstamms zunächst vermuten würde. Eigentlich tummeln sich diese Mitspieler der besonderen Art an jeder Ecke.
Ihre ausgefallene Art sich in jeder Gemeinschaft innerhalb weniger Stunden unmöglich zu machen, ist nicht selten der Tatsache geschuldet, dass die Sehnsucht danach besonders speziell und ungebräuchlich zu wirken über allen anderen Zielen steht.
Hierbei unterscheide ich Typus I von Typus II. Typus I fällt vorallem durch sein OOC Gemähre auf, spielt prinzipiell wenig Rollenspiel, meckert und klagt aber ohne Unterlass. Weder ist dieser Spieler besonders zuverlässig, noch trägt er zum Erfolg der Gemeinschaft bei. Er ist (gelegtlich) da, stiftet Unruhe und verschwindet dann wieder von der Bildfläche, um in anderen Gemeinschaften den selben nutzlosen Platz einzunehmen. Gleichzeitig macht er sich andauernd über Soziales und Gemeinschaftliches lustig. Zu spekulieren warum sich Typus I so verhält ist müßig weil offensichtlich.

Typus II wirkt auf den ersten Blick etwas anders. Solange jeder in der neuen Gemeinschaft nach seiner Pfeife tanzt und er das gemütliche Plätzchen der speziellen Schneeflocke allein einnehmen darf, ist dieser Typus einigermaßen sinnstiftend. Beginnt sich Typus II aber als Schneeflocke zu langweilen, bricht der dritte Weltkrieg aus. Plötzlich ändert dieser Spieler seine Taktik und spielt entweder die beleidigte Leberwurst, das gilt für den halbwegs intelligenten Typus II, aber der Schlichte unter Jenen wird jeden Hebel in Bewegung setzen, um sich in den Vordergrund zu drängen. Neben spielerischen Glanzleistungen a la Provokationen der Mitspieler, Metagaming und anderen interessanten Optionen um sich einen Vorteil zu verschaffen, betätigt sich Typus II in diesem Stadium auch OOC. Das Meckern und Klagen, welches vorallem typisch für Typus I ist, wird  an dieser Stelle von Typus II adaptiert, um alle anderen gegeneinander aufzuhetzen. Denn wenn ihn niemand leiden mag, dann sollen sich alle anderen auch nicht leiden mögen dürfen.

Und letztlich sind sie so etwas ganz ganz besonderes und ich kann mich vor diesen Mitspielern nur verneigen und ihre Besonderheit immer wieder aufs Neue bewundern. 🙂

73 OOC: Gor auf deutsch

70 Diamonds are a girl’s best friend

[11:13] Roux pulled the fabric of his cloak and gripped his belt, snickering as he looked at Fa. “This ain’t black! Besides, If I’s was a good assassin I’d blend in! Not look like a fugitive or something.” Which he might be. He sighed, then waved his hand in the air dismissively. “You’re in good hands now anyway. Or at least, you should be.”, he heckled as he began to walk off. — The tension had come and pass mostly so he nodded respectfully to Lurius on the way.

[11:13] Lurius : “Don’t be daft boy. Not every man who is mysterious-looking and wearing black an assassin. More likely just a low-caste who doesn’t want to be seen.”

[11:15] Claire knows the hood and Rous movement so she is sure to sneak around the right person. Her eyes sway to the thalarion, examine the huge, strong and swift creature.” Rou…!”she whispers, tilts her head to the left and smiles charmingly.! “Where have you been..??” her voice is almost low and smoky, when she lift her gaze him, blinks her deep brown eyes and addresses to the rider and the bystander.“Tal.”

[11:16] Fa Solari can’t help but laugh at all this. The situation seemed perilous for himself a moment ago and now he realizes the Man was just a common citizen. “My apologies!….” he calls out to Roux as he watched him slowly walk in the other direction.

[11:18] Lurius :“I imagine you rather annoyed that warrior, boy. You should be more careful. There is a popular story that is told in Thentis, called “The lad who cried ‘sleen.’ ” He was rather fatherly in nature, so often when he saw a young man causing trouble, he’d add his own scolding in, and relate some sort of anecdote to learn from.

[11:20] Roux ‘s tone of voice turns warm and friendly as he sees his street friend. “Ahah! Claire. There you are.”, he rests a hand on her shoulder. “I’ve been around. We should talk a little. Maybe have some more roasted urt.” He looks up to Lurius as Claire greets him but returns his attention to her. — Looking to Fa, he shook his head, then shrugging. “No troubles, I hope.”, he winked to the light-bearer. — Attention returned to the tharlarion rider, whose talk amused Roux greatly.

[11:22] Fa Solari scratched his head some as he tried to gauge what Lurius had just told him. He looked up at the man mounted onto the Tharlarion “Forgive me… I didn’t mean to cause any trouble. I honestly felt I was in danger for a moment there….” He then looked towards the two figures at the opposite side and noted Roux’s wink. In a single moment, he felt there was more mischief underneath this all than he could see.

[11:22] Claire glances at him:” Done get into any trouble, mate.” she mumbles and nods to the social housing.“Fine, lets head home and get some food!” she looks at the hand on her shoulder, smiles briefly and turns on her heels to walk through the dust of the streets to the little tent, that she calls //home//.

[11:23] Roux follows Claire to their //home//.


[11:26] Claire melts to the floor, grabbing a blanket and wraps her body in it.” So…we have more to talk about..not only lunch!” she states and looks up to him, snuggle with the blanket. Her backpack was thrown anywhere behind the tent and she cuts her eyes, swaying her eyes to the open fire.

[11:28] Roux moves around the crates, sighting as he quickly discards his cloak and things including his shirt apparently. He scratches his head and yawns. “Do you mind if I leave my cloak and stuff here?” He plops down onto the blankets and smiles at her. “Yes. You first? What’s been going on?”

[11:33] Claire shakes her head slowly:” No I don’t mind, make yourself at home, bring your supplies here….!” she cleans her throat and picks up two urts with sticks. She prepares the meal as a sister would do for her brother and greases the dead rat bodies with rancid oil.” You know… I want to get up to a bit of no good!” She offers and dangles the urts over the blazing fire, waiting for his reaction.

[11:36] Roux licks his lips as he looks at the urts being roasted. “What do you mean get in to trouble? What are you thinking, Claire? And thanks.”, he patted his stuff that messily loitered now around the tent.

[11:44] Claire doesn’t mind the mess, she knows it already from herself and feels comfortable with it, in fact she doesn’t notice anymore. Roasting the urts she bows her head, lowers her lids to show up her long lashes, blinks with them and says:” I… Is mean…I haz an idea… but I need yo’s help to make it!” She leans back, smiles generously.” And I’ d gift you the half of the loot. See..” she points to the keep with her chin and says:” I want to get into there.”

[11:46] Roux smiles warmly if not adoringly to Claire as she roasts the urts. “What’s your idea?” Roux looks to the keep and then back to Claire. “What? What do you do want to do inside the keep? Rob it?”, he said with a mischievous but glad grin. He leaned back slightly and let his leg sway.

[11:51] Claire nods smirking:“Yes something like that: I want to gull the highest of the high caste. The regent! We will infiltrate him genius as we are!” she chuckles, strokes over his knee and continues:” Rou, I will hide in a barrel, and YOU will tell one of this stupid kajira girlies, that this ordered fish for the Regent and his…ah…companion.! They are so stupid, they will believe ya, I f you dress like a usual merchant! You are known as fish seller in the city! Genius, not?”

[11:57] Roux laughs heartily as he listens to her but takes one of the urts to sniff it, then shrugging and biting into it, chewing softly. “Yes, that is brilliant.”, he smiles softly. “Though, it’s a little harder than that. I like you’s plan Claire, but it might get us killed. I’s don’t want to risk you’s life in a barrel with fish when they find us out. Besides, I’s go to the keep often these days… even near the Regent’s home. I’s made a friend with a high-caste Arian.”, he paused. “You’s should meet him sometime, Claire. He’s really nice. His mother recently came from Ar and give bread and food to the slums here and also to the poor of the village. They seem like nice people. You’d like them.”

[12:02] Claire arches her eyebrows and eats the meat from the stick.” Hmmm…the risk is not that high. They won’t kill us, they might cut off my right hand…that’s all.” She tells it if that’s nothing and smiles. ” It’s easy..we must try! Ever failed? No matter! Try again, fail again, fail betta!” she laughs heavily and smacks her tights and snickers. ” C’mon – Rou… I wait ’til the nighttime, get out and grab everything, their gold..their jewels and if that’s done, I ll leave the way I came in!” She nods to her plan, her eyes gleam, taken by this idea.

[12:05] Roux laughed heartily. Roux soon got up and went for his cloak, bending over to shuffle there. He got something in his fist and sat back down. Opening his palm he exposed a beautiful emerald ring with gold metal. “Here. You’s can have this, Claire.” Roux took her hand, and put the emerald ring on her she-urt finger slowly. “I uhm, I got this when I had a /job/ around town. Keep it okay? We don’t need to rob the regent. You can sell this for a lot. And we’ll do safer jobs.”, he picked up his half-cooked roasted urt and started to chew on it again. “And I really want you’s to meet my new friend. — Would you’s be against gowns and veils, Claire? To visit the keep?”, he stopped eating to see her expression and reaction.

[12:11] Claire’s jaw dropped.” This is…beautiful!” she says and stares at the ring. ” I never ever had something valuable like this!” she babbles excited. Her fingertips streak over the precious gem. ” Are you serious about that?” she can’t believe that he would give away such a treasure to a street rat like her. She was nothing, and a woman. She gets a faint idea what she might could mean to him. ” Rou, me in a veil and drapes, do you will think that can suit me? I don’t want to embarrass you, you and your friend!” Her eyes fill with tears, even if she is still smiling because of the gracious gift he made.


[12:16] Roux takes Claire into an embrace as he begins to well up teary eyed too. “You can never embarrass me. You’s my kindred friend. And I love it out here, I do. It’s home. But there’s more than this. And besides, Claire…”, he pulled away from her and rubbed the hand that wore the emerald ring. “…if you dress in veil and gown like a free woman of caste, then it will be good disguises. We get more jobs and gigs if we get lots of good disguises don’t you’s think? And how you get disguises?” He lifts her hand with the ring, twirling the trinket on her finger. “With things like this. The more valuable things we have to sell the better our disguises and coupes can be. No relying on fish barrels. We can aim big. Then maybe rob someone like the Regent.”

[12:20] Claire leans against him, looking at her hand, which his raised by his fingers. The little trinket sparkles in the glow of fire and she says:“Exactly. Yes you are right. And I will follow you.” If she means the visit in the keep or the whole life remains as a secret and she closes her eyes, saying:” Wherever you want to go, but first, we will visit your friend!” she points out. ” You can become my family.” she has a lovely tone in her voice, snuggling her cheek against his shoulder.

[12:23] Roux wraps his arm around Claire and hugs her very tightly, his jaw clenching. “I’s love you like family, Claire. You’s like the sister I never had. When I had no one on the streets here you show up like a white tarn.” Roux kisses her forehead. “And no matter what and where, my home is with you. You’s my roots. No Claire, and the tree falls over and dies. Do you know what I mean?”

[12:25] Claire walks with her fingertips over his chest, feeling the kiss and the pleasing closeness.” Thank you, Rou and yes, I understand more, then it might seems. I don’t know your name and you know what…?” she grazes his throat, his carotid with her nose, knowing how sensitive this spot is.

[12:27] Roux looks down at her as she trails finger through his chest. “Whats that, Claire?”

[12:29] Claire’s lips curve to a sensual smile:” I doesn’t matter, how the others call ye! It only depends, how I see you!” she states and opens her big eyes, widens them and has an aura like a bird.

[12:31] Roux laughs and kisses Claire’s forehead again. He sighs and tosses his stick aside, finished with his roasted urt. He’d spend some time dilly dallying and hanging out before he roamed the streets again.

70 Diamonds are a girl’s best friend

69 Money, money, money…


[07:50] Arianna peers to the man whom had spoken to her. she parts her lips speaking softly. “Tal Rasp. I am well.. I haven’t seen you in a hand, how have you been? avoiding the Praetor and Magistrate?”

[07:51] Rasperoni the Kaelus Treat nods a few times to Arianna, slipping his hands into the rim of his belt. “Yes! And rather successful at that.”, he looks serious now leaning in slightly. “You’re not going to turn me in are you?”, he whispers.

[07:53] Claire spurs the bosk cow with the knob in her hand. “Taaal.” she says to the Lady and Rou, stretching the words as long as her breath allows her.“Rou…” she begins and breathes heavily.” I must tell you something VERY important!” She points her finger on herself, then at Rasp and back. ” If you’ no whatz I mean!” she gasps petting the bosks head gently.

[07:54] Arianna frowns as he leans in and asks if she planned to turn him in. hadn’t she been the one to warn him to begin with? she turned suddenly sad eyes at him. “no Rasp, I do not plan to do that.” as she heard the female calling out she turns back to Rasp.. “It sounds important maybe you should go see what she needs. Well wishes” she stepped back out-of-the-way..


[07:56] Rasperoni the Kaelus Treat looks surprised as Claire comes around on a bosk. “Huh? Where did you get a bosk?”, he quirks a brow. “From the spoils of -work-?”, he grins at her knowingly moving forward to pet the beast happily. “Why, what a cute one!” — He looks back to the sullen looking Arianna with wonderment, canting his head. “Don’t worry, Arianna. I didn’t forget you’s the one and the only one who warned me about me warrant. You’s kindness never forgotten. You seem under the weather now and before. Is everything okay?” He then continued to muzzle the face of the bosk.

[08:00] Claire arches her brows, chuckling at Rasps completion. “Nah.. I await a payment from a highcaste woman for my service. If I have the coinz, I can pay this //little// gurl here for us and we can breed them!” She says extra seriously, even if she has no idea of breeding animals. After listening to the thankful and haunting words, addressed at Arianna she turns her head to the free woman. ” Do you know Lady Eve?” she asks friendly smiling, curving her lips softly.

[08:02] Arianna shook her head to reply to Rasp’s question about things being ok. she didn’t want to discuss things. she had tried to tell him something important but there just wasn’t a chance. she turned walking away not to be rude to anyone. then her head snapped around.. Eve had tried hard to get Arianna to buy a male slave but since then she had not seen her so her answer was honest “I have met her once, but I do not truly know her” she turned again to leave

[08:05] Claire shouts after her,” Wait!” she shouts and….cracks the whip on the bosk back to command it to move forward.“Wait!” she says again, lowering her voice from shouting to a usual tone.” WHEN did you meet her last time, and where?” she wants to know, looking at the free. She forgets Rasp who strands in front of the bosk… and the big animal stomps forward, brave and slowly.

[08:06] Rasperoni the Kaelus Treat looks up to Claire as she speaks of breeding their bosks together and he can’t help but chuckle nervously. “Well, ok. But.. someone’s got to care for the calfs!” — Looking to Arianna, Rasp/Rou looked a bit somber. “Arianna!”, when he caught her attention he’d smile warmly. “I -really- am grateful. Let’s talk sometime, okay? Don’t be a stranger and seek me as a friend.” He would wave and keep his gaze on her until she was out of sight. He would look back to Claire quietly and start kissing the bosk, Rou /may/ have been trudged over as Claire cracked the whip on the bosk, surprised she was calling after the jeweler.

[08:10] Arianna halts again this time whatever sadness she was feeling was gone, replaced with a scowl of irritation. “I met her here on these steps a hand ago, she wanted me to meet with the High Merchant. since then I have not seen her nor spoken to her.” she turned listening to Rasp. “I don’t think that would be wise of me to do Sir.” then back to the female on the bosk she looked. “Sorry, but I have to pack my things to leave. I am sorry I could not help you with any information about the Lady”

[08:10] Addie clenched the fabric tightly in her fist as she navigated the roads of Kaelus, lifting protect the hem of the monstrosity. Addie’s father learned of her whereabouts and insisted upon sending a proper caste gown, the one set aside for ceremony. The fashion seemed to be so extravagant here, while it did not fit in with the location in which she made her home, she could get lost in the crowds of the city. For a moment Addie stood and watched those in front of her, a confused look on her face, then softly greeted the people. “Tal Sir, Ladies.”

[08:16]Claire furrows her brows after arching them again in Ariannas direction. Something was going on with this woman and it is about Rasp. She shakes her head, swaying her eyes to Rasp.” What the hell..nah, It’s not my business what YOU’s do with this poor Lady!” she wonders apparently. Grabbing the bosks reins harder, she turns the whole animal to the left and greets the arriving Free.” Tal, Lady.” she gives back and shows off her golden tooth and two rows of yellowed teeth.


[08:21] Rasperoni the Kaelus Treat still hand one of his hands on the bosk’s head as he would look toward Addie. “Tal, Lady! Fine day.”, he’d say casually since she was a stranger. He would watch Arianna walk off still with that sullen and thoughtful expression. Though, he felt helpless to assist her. — Looking to Claire briefly, he settles his gaze on Addie.

[08:25] Addie watched as one of the women walked off into the keep, her eyebrows raised in question. “Lady Eden, it is nice to make your acquaintances.” bowed her head respectfully, but took a step back from the beast path just in case it continued its path. “What a novel idea, a service in which a person could ride on the back of a bosk and taken where they wanted to go. I suggest in maybe a wagon for the Free women, but a good idea all around.”

[08:26] Claire smirks when she approaches to the Lady on the Bosks back and notices that Rasp took a seat behind her. Her smirk turns to a snicker, when the bosk cow moos to the noble Free in front of them. “Hihi,” she giggles, looks down to her and says:” Please don’t take it personal, it wants to greet you also.” Nodding after her introduction she says:” My name is //the brazen one//.” Of course she was not the company, that this Lady would wish, but the streets are her area, her territory and she is still smiling widely, feeling Rasps hands on her hips.

[08:33] Rasperoni the Kaelus Treat nodded respectfully to the lady in white, “Well met, Lady. And yes! That is a good idea shared! I have a male bosk and wagon myself. Looks like Claire has got a female one now…” Rasp/Rou had hopped on to the bosk.

[08:33] Addie gave the beast a look, she wasn’t afraid of it, more curious than anything. There wasn’t a time that she was face to face with livestock, and it showed with her behavior towards it. “May I touch it?” stepping forward tentatively, she raised her hand and waited for the woman’s go ahead.

[08:41] Claire nods frequently:” Of course, do so, noble Lady Eden. What caste are you from? Merchants? Your robe lets me suppose this.” She blinks to the street dust, raised from the bosks hooves. “But please, Lady…don’t soil your fine drapery, I can’t afford a professional cleaning in the laundry.” she says carefully.

[08:42] Rasperoni the Kaelus Treat looks happily at Addie as she comes closer to pet the bosk. He chuckles softly as Claire jests about Lady Eden’s robes.

[08:45] Addie shook her head. She didn’t care if the bosk snotted on the dress, it was just a reason for her to turn it into drapes for her windows. “Nonsense, it will be fine. Yes, I am a merchant.” looked down at her robe. “It’s a bit obnoxious isn’t it?”

[08:48] Claire cleans her throat and takes her shoulder back, snuggling her body against Rasps chest. The friend in her back gives her safety and she states:” Lady, it might be for you, I find it beautiful,”…her hands grab the reins hard again,” and what are you trading with, at Kaelus? High in the mountains?” she asks a bit shortspoken, looking down at the ‘Noble’.

[08:52] Rasperoni the Kaelus Treat leaned over from the bosk, “Tsa! I like you, lady. You seem like decent folk.” He looks to her robe. “You look lovely, but what do you sell, miss?” He smiled at Claire and let her ask questions too.

[08:54] Addie lowered her hand, folding it in front of her. “Currently I am proposing an overhaul to one of the perfume shops, as well as becoming part of its management. I hope that we could sell numerous other luxuries to the free women of Kaelus, not just perfume. It seems odd to just have one specialty when importing goods, why not target a whole group of people?”

[08:59] Claire agrees:” Yes, of course you seem to be firm with trading and grow your clientage. Do you have your roots in a merchant’s family?” she asks further, enjoying the easy conversion with the maybe rich woman. Her interest wasn’t as laudable as it might seem to the Lady.

[09:00] Rasperoni the Kaelus Treat looked thoughtful to Addie, the color of his friendliness soon fading. “Mako Vitti’s perfume shop? Or… Philos Perfumery?”, he knew Philos was going out of business but he hoped not Mako. He did force a smile to return to his features as she mentioned other wares. “Ye! Why not target more, indeed.”

[09:04] Addie chewed on her lip, a nervous habit that was mostly covered by her veil. “I do. My father is a merchant, but I traveled from our village to set up as my own woman. I did not wish to depend on his coin any more. I do not know many people of Kaelus yet. Though I am trying to introduce myself.” eyes fell upon the man. “Philos. Though the owner has not been in contact with me since I’ve worked on my proposal.”

[09:05] Rasperoni the Kaelus Treat had excused himself to go loiter outside the gates and have an important chat with guards.

[09:07] Claire nods to her slowly.” This impresses…” she turns her head when she notices somebody behind her and when she gets to know WHO it is, her lips curve softly. ” Ohhh.. Tal Lady Evee…good to see ya!” she begins and pretends to flip a coin upon her thumb in the air. “Do you remember me,” she asks innocently, turning the bosk to the right briefly, looking at Eve. She pets her pocket, ” I hope you do.” she states.

[09:08] Eve Philos strode fluidly across down the street as she was followed by one of the house guard. Catching sight of Rasp and Claira nearby and speaking to a woman she did not know, the woman’s own pace began to slow as she tilt her head so as listen with rising interest. When the woman’s voice chimed across, her features softened as she smiled with warmth across to her. “Ah, the good lady Claira! Good day… and indeed I do remember you! Why I had placed quite a few orders with you, my fine skillful woman.”

[09:10] Addie tilted slightly so she could see behind the bosk, to who the woman was speaking to. “Tal Lady.” inclined her head politely to the woman, before straightening her posture. “Ladies, if you will excuse me. I must start baking my bread if I am to have it for my meals. I wish you both well.”

[09:12] Claire inclines her head to her, talking slobbery:” Lady, I hope the bouquets fit well to whatever you imagined,” the bosk still moos at the merchant and she has to yank it with the reins. As a cowm the bosk is a slow and calm mount, easy to ride. “Safe paths!!” Her eyes sway to Eden briefly. ” And a peaceful day!” Her voice has a brazen tone, and the words may finally say more, then it seems.

[09:20] Addie whatever her meaning was, she surely did not understand it. She gave a nod, before turning with a swish of her raised skirts, heading back towards the sums.

[09:20] Eve Philos blinks, her eyes widening with surprise as she smiled with warmth. “Ah! A baker! Oh that is so wonderful… Our last baker had — ah.. Fallen on hard times and we are in desperate need for another.” With that the woman bowed fluidly across to her before looking to Claira with a smile. “Indeed they had, and I do owe you some coin.” Stepping forward, she would slide out a small pouch and count a few copper tarsks out so as to hold them up across to her. “Thank you ever so much for the aid.”

[09:25] Claire takes the offered coins with her skinny, spidery fingers, before she tosses them into her pocket and says happily.” Thanks, its good making business with ya!” Her eyes sparkle because the odd sound of jingling talers around her, trigger her satisfaction.” Good, so we have that. If you need anything from the woods beside of huge tarks or larls, let me know! You find me on the street. Or tell Rou what I can do for you. He can bargain a prize with you too.” she says trustful and sways her eyes for her mate.

[09:30] Eve Philos smiles with warmth across to her as she dips her head within a fluid nod. “Naturally I shall. I actually will be making a list of herbs that I may be wishing you to bring on a regular basis that can only be gathered near the water. Until then, good Lady Claira.” With that she bows once more and turns to make her way out from the city.

[09:38] Claire nods to this and folds her arms, when Lady Eve goes away, without a further greet. “Be weellllll..” she yells, shaking her head. This Lady offers many options to make money, a nice outlook for her. She doesn’t want to ruin the upcoming chances, so she waves to the leaving physician, pokes her heel into the bosks flank, to ride home slowly. The cow carries her safely across the streets and she really dares to take it home with her, in place of brining it back to the person whom she lend it from.


69 Money, money, money…

68 I wish I was a punkrocker with flowers in my hair

[23:05] Tamara Shelter prances along the streets, no doubt she is in a good mood. The basket with veggies dangles in her hand before she clamps it under her arm, sways her eyes to the strange at the gate and takes place at her regular position quiet close to the stairs, hidden from the mouldered wall. Scratching her head, some dirt and dandruffs gush upon her shoulders, well she is really nobody that the noble citizen of Kaelus wants to have around them. Knowing that, she try to be unseen usually, saved from the bloodhounds and saved from the bullying of the highcaste and rich goreans, passing her way.

[23:14] Mira was just minding her own business, really, though that torturer fellow had certainly left in a hurry. Oh, well. Maybe that was for the better of things.

[23:18] Eve Philos steps lightly and fluidly across the streets, a small basket held in her grasp as it was filled with supplies for a bath. The woman wanted to be fresh and cleaned for the next day’s events. Stumbling upon the two standing nearby, she smiled and inclined her head within a solemn nod. “Ah… good day there my lady.. And dear ‘Mira’.”

[23:23] Tamara Shelter wanted to offer some veggies, which are not really her own to the slave and make some coins but when she notices a familiar voice behind her back she turns her head first, sees eve and turns her whole body.“Tal physician.” she greets friendly, bows forward and jumps down the few steps to the street. Her fingertips stroke some hair behind her ear, showing off the new coppered earring from the black-market, which suits perfectly to her cheap and tattered clothes. “Good to see you, Lady. I remember you asks Rou for da herbs nah…?! I ll help him get ’em!!!” her slips throw out the words like darts to her in a charming, lovely tone.

[23:29] Mira was blending into the background as best as she could. Which is why the response to her good friend was just a puzzled “Mistress?” As if they were only acquaintances. “Is there something you need of Mira?” Her accent was Kaelian. Or at least, the best Kaelian she could muster.

[23:31] Eve Philos waves to Mira as she shakes her head with a smile. “No no…” As the woman steps down, she turns slightly as she watches, her features tilting with a warm smile. “Ah wonderful! Actually, I am preparing for a companionship ceremony soon so I shall be needing a bit more than simply herbs. I was wondering, as you are out and about frequently, could you gather me a nice collection of flowers? I want wonderful bouquets of green, blue and yellows. As many as you can find.”

[23:31] Eve Philos lifts a finger to tap on the side of her nose as she smiles. “But they must be wild flowers from the woods… nothing from privet gardens or near people’s houses!”

[23:35] Tamara Shelter cups her chin, grins cheeky and her eyes speak of her interest for the order. “I’s say yes!” she nods frequently and takes back her shoulders to appear taller and more important, than she is. In fact se is nothing, but she moves in a filigree manner.“Lady, Is the right one for dat job!” she returns clearly and assured of what she was saying. “’til when this has to be done and where do you want me to deliver all the flowers?” she asks and gestures with her fingers like she is counting the bouquets or something like that.

[23:36] Mira simply brushes a lock of hair out of her face, and grunts as she has to blow it back into place after it falls right back over her eye.

[23:39] Eve Philos smiles with warmth as she inclines her head within a solemn nod, more than pleased as she was certain the ‘fish merchant’ would be able to find the plants in her trips to the docks and back. “Ah wonderful! And I do not want to hear of any stolen plants– not that I think you would but… well it is hard to tell with some people.” Shoulders rolling within a slight shrug, she offers her a warm and gentle smile. “Oh! The apothecary please. That should give me time to prepare. I truly do want to put on a grand dinner for both my Household as well as my Companion.” A finger tapping on the edge of her chin, she muses in thought. “Mm.. lets see.. I had bought four fish so far.. we are going to need… Five… six… mm.. Yes.. we will probably need at least six more, and then a bag of several smaller ones.”

[23:45] Tamara Shelter folds her arms behind her back, bends forward slowly and says approvingly:” Lady, dat should be easy for Rou…and..no I don’t plan to steal any flowers from the gardens in or around the city, don’t worry. I am going to pick the wild ones from the meadow and…” she arches her brows, inclines her head in the same direction as the physician,“…and I’s want one coinz per bouquet, yah?” she reaches out her hand to make the deal. The further weeks could be saved, if she gets that order from the highcaste woman, and so she doesn’t want to miss this chance.

[23:48] Eve Philos inclines her head within a solemn nod as she considered her request. “One copper tarsk per suitable bouquet that is not crushed, torn or filled with weeds.” With that she reached out so as to shake the woman’s hand gently. The business at the Apothecary had been booming, the woman herself quite proud of it and already she was starting to make back the heavy price she had paid for an earlier expenditure. “Now if you would excuse me, I must bathe. I hope both you and the good Kajira have a lovely evening.”

[23:52] Tamara Shelter nods heavily:” Of course Lady, I will just pick the prettiest and nicest ones, be sure!” Handshaking she adds:” Enjoy your bath…I should bath too..but i have no time..You know that, eh.. so many appointments…appointmens, appointments..nah nah nah..” she pretends to be a hard-working, stressed out person and struggles to hide her laughing and grinning.

[23:57] Eve Philos chuckles thickly at the woman’s words as she dips her head within a solemn nod. “Oh yes, of course. Be well.” With that she waves idly across to her before turning to make her way up the steps. With a glance to Mira, she offers her a quiet nod and smile as she passes on her way to the baths.

[23:59] Tamara Shelter nods to the slave, before she jumps down the street to the black-market and idles to a settled beggar.

One day later…

[02:37] Tamara Shelter walks along the edge of the forest, turning her head in the wind, smelling and tasting the fresh scent of meadows, flowers and felled trees. The day was a good one, that was for sure. The central light burns down to her pelt , tanning her softly,and the voice of the highcaste woman, who told her not to steal bouquets from the city gardens, re-echos in her ears. She would do a good job, earn coins and gain reputation in the underground. Thinking about all that, she breaks through the brushwood looking for a glade and when she finds one, she laughs:” Ohhh butterflies…!” and hunts them with her dagger.

[02:57] Tamara Shelter pierces one of the peaceful butterflies with her sharpen knife and grins. A clear sign of her ambivalent character. She feels joy because of the suffering small animal, but no mercy. With sparkling eyes she throws the dead insect away and begins to pluck wild flowers for the physician. In her mind she imagines all the coins she could earn and that speeds up her work essentially. “She will be satisfied with these…!” she talks to herself, mentioning Eve and picks up wonderful wild roses with a deep,red touch in their blossoms. Avoiding some poisonous plants and wild animals, she walks deeper and deeper into the wood.

[03:05] Tamara Shelter trusts her knowledge about the woods and hides behind the stomp of a big tree, as a big tarsk nears. Stopping her breath for an ihn or two, she pressed her body against the stomp, closes her eyes and listens to the grunting animal, until it leaves into shrubs.-The physician told something about a free companionship when she ordered the flowers. Her own companionship maybe? Claire doesn’t remember the entire details, but it doesn’t matter for her in fact anyway. Bending over to pick another wild rose, she pricks her thumb and watches a drop of blood flowing down her hand. She doesn’t feel anything but a bit pain. Sometimes she has no feelings for herself, unable to sense her own body, her soul.
A briefly sigh leads her back to her work and She fills her basket until it is full. The she urt wants to return to the city. To pass the gate before the central fire goes down, is a must for her, because an urt like her is a nothing for any hunter and bloodhound. Every night outside the city walls could be her last.

[03:09] Tamara Shelter heads home to Kaelus, passing the guards right before the gates are closed. The big wings smash together behind her. “Done!” she whispers and holds out for the hospital or laboratory, where she can deposit the flowers for the orderer, Lady Eve. She would might meet the highcaste woman with the light-blue glasses and the noble robe, but she has no time to think about this anymore and rushes through the main building of the city. Somewhere here, she is sure, it must be. Many stairs, many doors and some signs help her to find the right way and when she enters the hospital, she is out of breath and sweaty.

[03:13] Tamara Shelter calls out “Taaaal…?” waiting for an answer and nobody returns to her. Awaiting for a Greencaste memeber, she waits close to the entrance…ins pass, ehns pass but nobody comes. With the full basket in her hand, she decides to search for Eves office on her own. Her problem with reading and spelling grows bigger now, and she asserts, that this makes no sense after a short time. She picks one of the two offices, hoping to pick the right one and places all the goods on the desk. Like always in her life now the kings and luck decide on her success.

[03:15] Tamara Shelter leaves the hospital without a further word, unseen, if she had never been there only the flower basket remembers of her short visit. Now it is time to look for Rasp. He, her only friend in this kings forsaken city, said something about a new tent and she wants to see and so she spurts away.

68 I wish I was a punkrocker with flowers in my hair

67 How old are you?

Kaelus City Gates – Merchants with carts full of goods, peasants peddling their fruits and vegetables, and even a hunter returning from the woods wait to gain entrance into the city. As you pass through the city gates of Kaelus, gate guards busily record the name and Home Stone, and the business of each person seeking access into the city.

[04:18] Rasperoni the Kaelus Treat was just hanging around the walls of the fortress. He had often come to visit his friend, a beggar who settled by the main gates. They spoke of sweet nothings about this and that; mindless little conversations.

[04:20] Tamara Shelter sneaks aginst the wall, approaching Rasp, slowly, maybe unseen. “Taahhhl.” she speaks under her breath, sharpening her lips and lowers her body to the ground, trys to swine around his legs, like a streetkitty. “//Rouh//” she offers and looks up to him, hopefully that he noticed her even if he chats with the beggar.

[04:25] Rasperoni the Kaelus Treat swings around his heels as he was hollering over tot he beggar in jest. They thwarted happy little insults at each other as Rasp was facing the wall. Turning around hearing that familiar voice, he looks around then down. “Tal Claire! There you are… you’s keep disappearing on me. The garden then yesterday in the crowd. Do you’s have a secret life around here?”, he chuckled. “Maybe you’s secretly a rich high caste woman!”

[04:31] Tamara Shelter lays down flatly and feels the warm stone on her skin, rising through her whole body. His words amuser her and so she smiles widely. “Maybe…,” she turns to her belly,“… would that cause a problem?” she asks and smirks while she presses her back on the ground. Lowering her lids, she looks up to him, against the sunbeams with bedroom eyes, lovely, simple hearted and full of inner beauty, clouded by dirt, mud and stink.

[04:33] Rasperoni the Kaelus Treat plops down to sit with her, looking over her details then wrinkling his nose and shaking his head. “No. It wont’s. Unless you’s hiding silver riches!”, he smiled and said jokingly. “So what happened at the garden? You seemed anxious there? Do you not like flowers?”

[04:37] Tamara Shelter snickers and inclines her head to the right slowly without losing his glance…!Then she nods heavily and says:” I like flowas and nature but not locked up in a stuffy, narrow room ye?I hate closed doors and entire locked rooms. And I didnt trust the lady. Why are you so firm with those people, buddy?”She arches her brows and trys to examine his reaction…his answer.

[04:42] Rasperoni the Kaelus Treat rubs his chin and does not take his eyes off her. “Okay. What do you’s mean /firm/? I know’s she may have been a bit scary, that Abir lady, but don’t you know… she is rich. Good thing for us. When I check the back curtain of her garden, she had nice things. Good to be nice to rich people. And she gave us passes to the baths. We’s can use them sometime! It’s real nice in there. We’d be in separate rooms though. And I see, you’s don’t like closed spaces.” He looks over her again, what ever beauty she had as a homeless girl he saw tenfold. “Were you… caged up or something? This the /bloodhounds/ cage you up?”

[04:49] Tamara Shelter confirms his words about the rich people with a short and flat “Yes.” And when he mentions the bloodhounds she shivers badly. This girl carries tons of memories with her, good and bad ones and the bloodhounds and their dungeons still reminds her of bad times in her eventful live. ” More than once, Rou. Their is only…only darkness infront of me, when I remember these days, locked up, in fact facing death.”No tears but fear fills her sweet eyes, stuff she would never forget comes back.” I try to block these scenes and memories, maaan.”

[04:58] Rasperoni the Kaelus Treat cupped his chin as he listened to her, he’d pester her with more questions about the cages and bloodhounds but he didn’t for now. She’d tell him sometime if she felt like it. “Well, don’t worry You’s safe now. Just do me a favor, ok? Let me know before you scurry off. That way I’s don’t worry.”, he heckled and smiled warmly while looking away briefly. “So how much coin were you able to get from that city auction, huh? I only got a few. But it looks like people hardly noticed you moving around.”

[05:06] Tamara Shelter gives him a wide- eyed stare, after hearing that.” No?!” she swears.” Oh shit… I wanted to be careful, ya know..but it did’nt help…It waz only about 2 coins and a ring…I ll sell it if the case is blown over.” she throws back her head to her neck, turns it from left to right in a jaded manner. Thankful that he leaves the other topic behind without further questions, she touches his hand shortly with her fingertips.

[05:14] Rasperoni the Kaelus Treat grasps her hand and rubs with his fingers, then squeezing but not letting go. He looks to her and smiles then nodding approvingly., “Good. That’s not a whole lot but better than nothing. We’s should be on the lookout for more like us. Maybe we can start a gang.”, he grins. “You’s said you’s was part of one right?” Rasp/Rou was playing with Claire’s hand.

[05:19] Tamara Shelter s fingers are spidery and lankily but she returns this fingerplay. ” Yus, betta than nuthin…true story. I didnt see any of us in the streets here, only noble and rich women, and some men who did’nt notice me. Do you believe we could form a gang or somethin’, really?” she asks doubtfully and hopefully in the same tone. Her eyes point on him and he is the center of her attention, something what happens very rare because she is watching her back usually and splitting her concentration. Something is different about this young man, who accepts her as what she is.

[05:25] Rasperoni the Kaelus Treat notices her spidery and lanky fingers and he studies them. “I’m not sure. Hopefully. Did you know I’m at outlaw? That’s what someone said. That lady in purple that day. She say my name on a lot of papers around the city. So that’s why call me ‘Roh’ okay? Until they find I am not a criminal even though they say I am. Them high caste can be bullies but I’s don’t care. Business as usual. — I’s running low on fish. Got to do some fishing soon. Remember that red-head guy? He said we can supply the fish for his banquet. Deliver to Cosette Philos. “Rou pointed across the street to the perfumers. “That’s their shop. We’s be on the lookout for people who go in there so we’s can give them their fish and get more business.” He paused to look her over again. “How old are you’s, Claire? I’m twenty two. I’s not start me serum shots yet. Have you?”

[05:31] Tamara Shelter :“An Outlaw?” she shakes her head heavily.” They must be wrong with this assumption.” she camps and grins.” They will forget faster, than you imagine. I know this bullies and law-abiding citizes and I’s really don’t give a shit, oh yea.” Giggling and wiggeling she takes her hand back, sets up from the ground and joggles her feet.” A big order from the redhead, aint it?” she returns and looks over to Rasprou with spakling eyes.

[05:40] Rasperoni the Kaelus Treat nods, “Yes. Big order. So going to make we’s get the business.” She seemed to evade his question about how old she was but it did not matter much as Rasp/Rou smiled again. “And yes, I’m hoping they’s forget real quick. With the big war and other things to occupy themselves with. Anyway, there’s been some commotion where I was camping outside town.. so I had to move my tent. Where have you been sleeping lately?”, he stood and stretched.

[05:43] Tamara Shelter stands up and cleans her knees from dust and dirt. ” I am in your age, but I don’t know exactly.” she affirms and smiles. ” I dont know much about things like my age and my parents or family. ” While she shoulders her big backpack she points down the street:” I must go, see for the black market and look around a bit, but later, I haz time to help you fishing and getting dem herbs for da Lady, okies?” she asks and begs:” And then you show me the tent, okay?”

67 How old are you?

65 Eigentum

Claire warf einen langen Schatten auf Anja, die zur Abendstunde noch am Pranger hing und der Dinge harrte, die auf sie zukamen. Die Bäuerin löste mit Erlaubnis des Ältesten die Ketten, hob das Joch an und befreite die Verurteilte aus der unbequemen Position, in der man sie mitten im Dorf festgehalten hatte. Nun waren drei Tage der öffentlichen Pein und Erniedrigung zuende. Claire nahm an sich, was ihr zugesprochen worden war und legte der Verbrecherin ihren Kragen um. Das kalte Eisen schmiegte sich eng um ihren Hals und sie zischte:”Du wirst mich brechen müssen!” Claire nahm die Worte schmunzelnd zur Kenntnis und warf der Sklavin ein altes Stück Brot vor die Füße. Ausgehungert und gierig stürzte die Selbige sich darauf und stopfte den trockenen Kanten in sich hinein. “Meine leichteste Übung.” sagte die Bäuerin zu ihrem Besitz und ohrfeigte sie.
Als von dem Brotkanten nichts mehr übrigen geblieben war, packte Claire die Sklavin am Halsband und zog sie mit sich zu ihrer Hütte. Sie ließ ihr keine Zeit zum nachdenken oder zum lamentieren. Mit kräftigen Schritten zerrte sie das Mädchen die Treppe hinauf und warf sie durch ihre Tür ins Innere ihres Hauses. Dann schloß sich hinter Anja die Tür. Das Feuer des Kamins prasselte und züngelte im Kamin, wärmte das feuchte Gemäuer und die Menschen, die sich nun darin aufhielten.

Claire sprach mit schnarrendem Unterton:” Sklavin du hast meinen Haushalt gewissenhaft zu führen. Nimm mir so viel Arbeit ab, wie du kannst, diene mit Herz und Seele, damit ich mehr Zeit für meinen Gemüsestand am Steg habe, den kennst du ja breits!” Ihre letzten Worte wurden von einem gehässigen Lachen begleitet. Die Hand der Bäuerin wies mit dem Zeigefinger auf die Wäsche, den Kessel, den Kamin und ihr Bett. Zum Schluss zeigte sie auf den Heuboden. “Dort wirst du schlafen!” sagte sie und nickte in Richtung eines Käfigs, der von Spinnenweben bedeckt in der hinteren Ecke des Heubodens stand. Neben dem Käfig befand sich eine alte Truhe. Anja wusste gar nichts mehr zu sagen, drehte sich hin und her und nahm die kleine Hütte in Augenschein. Sie begriff langsam ihr Schicksal, erkannte die Unbarmherzigkeit von Claire, die sie als ihren Besitz betrachtet, und das sogar rechtmäßig. Als ihr ihr sozialer Abstieg bewusst wurde, liefen Tränen der Reue und der Scham über ihre Wangen. Überrascht wurde sie, als ihre neue Herrin ihr das schmutzige, löchrige Kleid vom Leib riss und es in den Kamin warf, wo es in Flammen aufgring! Barsch forderte Claire die Sklavin auf die Leiter zur Truhe hinaufzuklettern, sie zu öffnen und sich einen Sa Tarna Sack heraus zu nehmen. ” Du kannst drei Löcher reinschneiden und den Sack als Camisk tragen..” sagte sie und schob hinterher, als sie das entsetzte Gesicht des Mädchens sah:”…oder du gehst nackt, soll mir egal sein.” Dabei grinste Claire böse und hinterhältig. Sie wusste, dass die ehemals Freie den Sack bevorzugen würde, anstatt sich die Blöße der Nacktheit vor dem gesamten Dorf zu geben. Die Rechnung der Bäuerin ging auf. Sklavin Anja nahm einen Sa Tarna Sack aus der Truhe, schnitt Löcher hinein und zog sich das kratzige Ding über den Kopf.


Claire setzt sich auf ihren Schaukelstuhl vor dem Kamin und beobachtet ihren neuen Besitz aus dem Augenwinkel. “Wenn ein Sklavenhändler hier vorbei kommt, werde ich dich anbieten und versuchen dich zu Kupfer zu machen.” überlegte sie Laut. ” Ja Herrin,” gab Anja eingeschüchtert zurück.”wenn du meinst, Herrin.” Claire nickte. Der erste Widerstand des Mädchens schien sich erledigt zu haben.
Nach einem Augenblick der Stille und des Musterns verlangte die Bäuerin, dass die Sklavin ihr einen Tee brachte. Das Mädchen gehorchte und brühte ihrer Herrin welchen auf, die schon gespannt war, ob Anja wusste, wie man diente. Sie sollte nicht allzusehr enttäuscht werden. Der Tee war passabel, die Art wie die Sklavin bediente auch.
In aller Ruhe trank Claire ihren Tee aus, schaukelte vor dem Feuer hin und her und malte sich aus, was sie mit dem Mädchen anfangen könnte. Die neue Sklavin schaute sich in der Zeit in der Hütte um.
Dann rief die Arbeit nach der Bäuerin. Sie schloss das Biest in ihrem Haus ein und ging zum Steg…man hatte Vorbereitungen zu treffen, denn bald stand die En’Kara Jagd bevor, die von Turmus ausgerichtet wurde. Die Dörfler hatten beschlossen ihre Ware am Festplatz anzubieten und John würde vieleicht auch auf die Suche nach dem weißen Tabuk gehen. Bis dahin musste noch viel getan werden und die Bauersfrau packte tatkräftig mit an. Wenn Anja ihr gefällig war, würde sie sie vieleicht sogar mitnehmen.

65 Eigentum

63 Erniedrigung

Es ging ihr gut, seit sie wieder zu Hause an ihrem Heimstein war. Claire fühlte sich willkommen und zu Hause, geliebt und gebraucht. Dinge, die für eine einsame Frau wie sie zunehmend wichtiger wurden. Sie hatte keine Kinder, keinen Gefährten, weder Brüder noch Schwestern und ihre Eltern waren verstorben. So oft sie konnte lud sie Gäste in ihr kleines Haus ein und teilte ihren Kessel mit ihnen, auch um Anschluss zu finden, aber vorallem um nicht jeden Mittag allein am Tisch zu sitzen. Sogar die Gesellschaft der Arbeistsklaven war ihr zuweilen lieber, als die Einsamkeit. Besonders einer zog ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf sich. Man rief ihn Kam. Er war groß, schlank, muskulös und drahtig. Sein schulterlanges, straßenköterblondes Haar stand für gewöhnlich vor Dreck, so wie der Rest seines Körpers, der bei der Arbeit verschwitzt im Licht des Zentralfeuers glänze und schimmerte. Das war ein Anblick, den Claire gerne von der Bank vor ihrem Haus aus genoss. Sie genehmigte sich ab und zu eine Pause von ihrer Hausarbeit, und von der vielen Arbeit auf den Feldern und trank auf der Holzbank sitzend einen Tee. Die Blicke, die sie den Sklaven mittlerweile recht unverhohlen zuwarf, sah man ihr nach. Die Dorfgemeinschaft schien ihr wenigstens dieses kleine Vergnügen zu gönnen, denn sie wussten, dass die junge Frau sonst selten etwas zu lachen hatte.

Kam und sein Bruder Nathan waren dankbar für das Essen und die Freundlichkeit, die Claire ihnen zukommen ließ. Die beiden Männer kannten ihren Platz und knieten vor dem Kamin auf dem Boden, fraßen wie Tiere aus Näpfen und löschten ihren Durst mit Wasser aus einem alten Krug, während Claire mit ihrem Besuch gemütlich am Tisch saß und Bier trank. Die Bäuerin kochte gut und deftig und das war genau das, was die hart arbeitenden Burschen dringend brauchten. Sie gingen täglich an ihre körperlichen Grenzen, wenn sie in der Mine schuften mussten.
Nathan war der Faulere von beiden. Er drückte sich gern vor der Arbeit und schob alles Unangenehme auf seinen Bruder, der sich bereitwillig für ihn mit krumm machte. Sie sahen beide gut aus und ähnelten sich stark, aber charakterlich unterschieden sie sich sehr.


Nathan und Kam machten sich in der Hütte von Claire über ihre Näpfe her, als wäre es das Beste, was sie je gegessen hatten. Vorallem Nathan benahm sich wie ein Tarsk und die beiden balgten sich um die Portionen wobei etwas vom Eintopf überschwappte und auf den Teppich floss. Sie waren sich ebenbürtig und so musste sich jeder mit dem abfinden, was Claire ihm zugeteilt hatte. Sie mischte sich nicht in den Kampf um die Suppe ein und zischte nur, dass die beiden Sklaven die Sauerei sauber machen mussten, sobald die Mahlzeit beendet war. Die Bauersfrau hatte Besuch von einer Freien aus Belnend und trank mit ihr gutes Rencerbier, typisch für die Region. Man ließ es sich am Tisch schmecken und blickte ab und zu geringschätzig und angewidert auf die Sklaven herab.
Nathan verschwand schnell, nachdem er seinen Napf geleert hatte und ließ seinen Bruder einfach allein zurück. Nun war Kam wieder der Gelackmeierte, der allein putzen musste. Ohne murren erledigte er selbiges, schrubbte den Teppich und die Dielen sauber und ging Claire zur Hand, sie sich dem Abwasch zuwendete. Ihr Gast war auf der Bank am Tisch eingenickt. Ein voller Bauch machte so manche Freie müde..


Kam schaute Claire tief in die Augen und sie wich nicht zurück. Seine kalten Blicke jagten eine Gänsehaut über ihren Pelz, aber sie hielt ihm stand, lächelte und lauschte seiner Geschichte. Er erzählte, dass er als Kampfsklave zur Belustigung eines Kaiilahäuptlings benutzt worden war und einen weiten Weg hinter sich hatte. Viele Narben in seinem Gesicht und auf seinem Körper, manche frisch, andere fast verblasst, sprachen eine deutliche Sprache. Der Sklave bemühte sich sehr kontrolliert und kühl zu wirken, sich seinem Schicksal zu ergeben und als er dann doch mit stolzer Stimme und flammenden Blicken sagte: ” Ich bin ein Kaiila“, da antwortete Claire mit samtiger, warmer Stimme:” Sein Blick ist vom Vorübergehn der Stäbe so müd geworden, dass er nichts mehr hält. Ihm ist, als ob es tausend Stäbe gäbe und hinter tausend Stäben keine Welt.” 1 Ihre worte trafen den stolzen Burschen wie ein Blitz. Er starrte Claire erstaunt an, ließ sich ein bisschen von ihrer weichen, dunklen Stimme einwickeln und lehnte an der Anrichte. Da rührte sich plötzlich der Gast aus Belnend am Tisch. Anima wollte Claire beim Abwasch helfen und drängte den Sklavenjungen beiseite. Nach zwei Tellern konnte Claire das unbeholfene Abtrocknen der Hochkastigen nicht mehr mit ansehen. Sie verabschiedete sie höflich und schickte Kam mit dem Spülwasser nach draußen. Die Bäuerin war müde und wollte sich noch ein Ahn hinlegen, bevor sie wieder auf die Felder gehen musste!

1Rainer Maria Rilke, 6.11.1902, Paris

63 Erniedrigung

62 Familienbande

Claire ließ einen arbeitsreichen, anstrengenden Tag mit einem gemächtlichen Waldspaziergang ausklingen. Die Gefahr, in die sich offenen Auges begab, ignoriert sie einfach. Sie machte sich keine Gedanken darüber, ob ein Panthermädchen sie überfallen-, oder ein Sklavenjäger hinter dem nächsten Baum lauern könnte. In Gedanken versunken streifte sie durch das hohe Gras, bog Zweige zur Seite und scheuchte Vögel auf, die ihr feines Gesicht bereits kannten und sich nach einem kurzen Schreck wieder auf dem Rand der Vogeltränke auf der Waldlichtung niederließen. Dort verweilte sie. Das Zentralfeuer kündigte mit seinem Untergang an und fast wäre die Bäuerin von Dunkelheit und Kälte überrascht worden, da tauchte der Dorfälteste plötzlich auf und riss sie aus ihren Träumereien. War er ihr gefolgt? Wie hatte er sie aufgespürt?


Der Elder legte ihre seinen Mantel um die Schultern und begleitete sie zurück ins Dorf. Er zwang ihr einfach seinen Willen auf, weil er beschlossen hatte, dass sie um diese Uhrzeit zu Hause zu sein hatte. Noch waren seine sanften Erziehungsmethoden für sie kaum als Solche erkennbar, aber er konnte vieleicht auch anders…Aus Höflichkeit und vieleicht auch leicht angefasst von seiner Fürsorge lud sie ihn zu sich auf eine Tasse Tee ein. Claire wollte nicht undankbar erscheinen und hieß ihn in ihren kleinen vier Wänden willkommen. Bei Tisch versorgte sie ihn mit leckerem Kräutertee und erzählte von den letzte Tagen, die sie auf einem Schiff und in der Fremde verbracht hatte. Ältester Tonka war neugierig auf ihre Geschichte. Jedes Detail interessierte ihn, aber als Claires Augen langsam schwer wurden, trank er schnell seinen Tee aus und ließ sie allein. Er gab ihr ein Stück Hoffnung, das Gefühl von Familie, das Gefühl, dass sie jemandem etwas bedeutete und das tat gut.
In Claire wuchs plötzlich der Wunsch ihm etwas zurück zu geben, sich seine Aufmerksamkeit zu verdienen und sich nie mehr so allein auf der Gegenerde fühlen zu müssen, wie sie es einstweilen tat. Als Waisenkind war ihr niemand mehr geblieben und sie trug all die Verantwortung für ihr Leben und ihre Arbeit selbst. Das und viele Schwierigkeiten mit denen sie zurecht kommen musste, hatte Spuren auf ihrer Seele hinterlassen.

Im Dorf wurde darüber getratscht, dass der Handel begann aufzublühen und plötzlich immer mehr Fremde Interesse an der Ware vom Vosk hatten. Galt dieses Interesse denn wirklich dem Gemüse, oder waren es Spione, die eigentlich auf der Suche nach Gold waren? Claire wusste genau, dass das glänzende, gelbe Metall nicht nur Freude und Komfort auf die Insel brachte, sondern auch Neider, Gierschlünder UND die Liga!

Die junge Bäuerin beschloss sich nicht allzuviele Sorgen zu machen und überredete ein paar Männer sie auf eine Reise nach Lydius zu begleiten. Sie glaubte dort Gewürze verkaufen zu können, die nur am Vosk gediehen und wollte ihr Glück versuchen. Ihr Rucksack war schnell gepackt und die Männer hielt sie mit einem niedlichen Lächeln und ein paar Flaschen Wein bei Laune. Am nächsten Tag ging der Tross an Bord der “Dragana” die sie nach Sais Stadt bringen würde. Von dort aus blieb nur der Landweg. Ihr Mut war ungebrochen und sie legte mit viel Zuversicht und starken Männern im Rücken am Steg ab. Es galt Beziehungen zu knüpfen, mehr Menschen kennenzulernen und nebenbei noch ein paar Münzen zu verdienen. Der Älteste würde stolz auf sie sein…!

62 Familienbande

61 Spähtheimkehrerin

Der Bug des Schiffes teilte die Wellen hart, die sich an ihm brachen. Pasang für Pasang schob sich der Koloss aus Holz und Pech über den Vosk, blähte seine Segel im Wind und wich zu keiner Zeit seiner Route, die der Kapitän am Steuer bestimmte. Die “Dragana” nahm Kurs auf die kleine Insel im Vosk, verlangsamte ihre Fahrt und drehte unter dem Kommando des ersten Offiziers am Steg elegant bei. Am Tag der Ankunft aus Turmus war das Wetter gut, aber zu vorgerückter Stunde kühlte es stark ab, weshalb Bäuerin Claire sich ihren Umhang überwarf und ihren Schal um ihren Hals wickelte. Seit Tagen hatte sie auf diesen Moment gewartet. Sie wollte von Bord gehen und die Dörfler begrüßen. Die Sehnsucht nach ihrer Familie war groß geworden in der Fremde und sie schulterte deshalb ungeduldig ihren Rucksack. Die Riemen schnitten in ihre Haut, während sie ihre Nase in den abendlichen Wind hielt und ging an Land. Der Geruch, der ihr entgegenströmte roch nach Heimat, nach Heimstein, nach Familie, nach Vertrauen. Das Schiff wurde schnell wieder aufgetakelt und setzt seine Route flussaufwärts fort. Claire sah sich um und merkte, dass es bereits so spät geworden war, dass niemand mehr am Steg war. Alle Dörfler hatten sich in die Taverne oder in ihre Häuser zurück gezogen, schliefen schon oder betranken sich zum Feierabend.

Etwas niedergeschlagen entschied sie, dass es das Beste sei, auch so schnell wie möglich ihr Bett aufzusuchen. Ihre Schritten waren schwer, jeder Einzelne schmerzte, vorallem bergauf. Die viele Plackerei und die anstrengende Reise forderten Tribut. Auf dem Weg zu ihrem Häuschen lief ihr der Dorfälteste über den Weg. Sie erkannte im Halbdunkel seine Umrisse und lächelte etwas gequält. Er war auch auf dem Weg nach Hause und sie wechselten nur wenige Worte. Claire war viel zu müde, um ihm ihre Geschichte zu erzählen, aber sie erfuhr, dass er sich bereits bemüht hatte, nach ihr suchen zu lassen. Ihr Verschwinden nach der Flucht aus dem Dorf vor dem Winter war also nicht unbemerkt geblieben. Sie bedeutete ihm was. Diese Erkenntnis gab ihr Auftrieb, deshalb schleppte sie sich nun mit erhobenem Haupt und einem zufriedenen Lächeln bis zu ihrer Haustür. Als sie eintrat segelten Spinnennetz aus dem Türrahmen auf den Boden. Sie erschrak und quiekte, während sie angeekelt zurück zuckte. Im Inneren des Hauses war es stockdunkel und roch verwahrlost. Ein paar verdorbene Lebensmittel verströmten einen fauligen Geruch in der Stube und abgestandenes Wasser, in dem Fliegen ihre Eier gelegt hatten stank in einem Eimer unter dem Tisch vor sich hin.

Seufzend stellte sie ihr Gepäck ab, schlug die Türe zu und entfachte ein Feuer in ihrem Kamin. Wärme und Licht machten das Ausmaß der Unordnung sichtbar. Fast verschlug es Claire den Atem. Wie erstarrt dastehend glitt ihr Blick die feuchten Wände entlang. Es war zu lange nicht geheizt worden! Nun war ihr doch zum heulen!! Niemand hatte sich um ihr Haus gekümmert. Aber jetzt noch aufzuräumen kam nicht in Frage. Sie war müde und schlapp von der Schiffsreise. Das Chaos ignorierend zog sie sich aus, legte sich ins Bett und fiel in einen tiefen, alptraumgeplagten, langen Schlaf.
Den nächsten Morgen verschlief sie einfach. Nichts, nicht mal der Arbeitslärm vor der Tür, konnte sie wecken. Ihr Körper holte sich, was er dringend brauchte und fesselte sie stundenlang ans Bett. Erst gegen Mittag schlug sie gerädert ihre Augen auf, hievte sich aus dem Bett und goss sich noch im Nachtkleid einen Tee auf. Den brauchte sie jetzt dringend. Ihr Magen rebellierte, als sie den Dreck und Gestank wahrnahm, der im Haus dominierte. Angewidert riss sie die Tür auf und ließ frische Luft hinein. Das war ein Anfang.

Die Putzorgie, die darauf folgte, zog sich über den ganzen Nachmittag. Am frühen Abend , als Claire den letzten Dreck aus ihrem Haus fegte, standen plötzlich zwei Frauen vor ihr. Beide waren ihr völlig unbekannt. Sie wirkten etwas verloren und leicht verzweifelt, weshalb die Bäuerin sich auf ein Gespräch einließ. Sie stützt sich auf ihren Besen und hörte die Fremden an. Selbige berichteten, dass die Stadt Nadira von einem schweren Unwetter heimgesucht worden war, das bis heute anhielt. Die Frauen hatten ihren Heimstein verloren! Das war das Schlimmste, was Menschen passieren konnte! Nun hatte Claire so etwas wie Verständnis für die Zwei und ließ sich alles genauer erzählen. Die Eine stellte sich als Sabine vor, hatte langes blonde Haar, war hochgewachsen und trug ein hübsches Kleid. Das Fehlen ihres Gesichtsschleiers ließ Clair ahnen, dass sie es mit Ihresgleichen zutun hatte. Und so war es auch. Sabine gehörte der Kaste der Bauern an und die andere Frau verdankte ihr das Leben. Sie suchten eine neue Heimat, eine Bleibe, einen Ort an dem sie arbeiten und leben konnten.

Das Gespräch endete und Claire verschwand wieder in ihrem Haus. Sie hatte noch genug zutun und keine Zeit sich weiter um die Angelegenheiten anderer zu kümmern. Wenn sich die Gelegenheit bieten würde, dachte sie daran vieleicht dem Ältesten von den fremden Frauen zu erzählen. Vieleicht hatte er Erbarmen und nahm sie in die Dorfgemeinschaft auf.

61 Spähtheimkehrerin